Album Name:
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Album Types: Single Event Single Album Mini-Album Best Of Album Compilation Album Cover Album
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Explanations / Notes:

Album Name checks against Japanese, transliterated, or translated names. % is the wildcard, so a search for %love% will find albums that used love or words that translated to love.

Credits: Probably quicker to show a few examples than try to explain it in full. != is the way to express "not".
[Artist=%Musume%] and [Artist!=Coconuts Musume]

Release Date: Use YYYY-MM-DD date format.

Order By: Usually just clicking on the column headers will be fine, but you can also combine them here, like
AlbumType ASC, Seniority ASC
Artist ASC, AlbumType DESC

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# Seniority AID Editions Album Name Album Name J Album Name T Artist Release Date Album Type
# Seniority AID Editions Album Name
Album Name J
Album Name T
Artist Release Date Album Type
1 568 23 R, R Makeruna Wasshoi! 負けるな わっしょい! Never Give Up Wasshoi! Berryz Koubou,
Mano Erina,
2011-08-06 Single
2 578 334 R, RB, LA, LB, LC, LD Amazuppai Haru ni Sakura Saku 甘酸っぱい春にサクラサク The Cherry Blossoms Bloom in this Bittersweet Spring Berryz Koubou,
2011-11-09 Single
3 579 24 R, LA, LB, LC, LD, LE, LF Busu ni Naranai Tetsugaku ブスにならない哲学 A Philosophy for Not Becoming Ugly Morning Musume,
Berryz Koubou,
Mano Erina,
Hello! Project Mobekimasu
2011-11-16 Single
4 596 335 R, RB, LA, LB, LC, LD Chou HAPPY SONG 超HAPPY SONG Super HAPPY SONG Berryz Koubou,
2012-04-28 Single


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